Burghofbühne Dinslaken: Kidsclub plays courage theater between dream world and everyday life

This year, the Kidsclub of Burghofbühne Dinslaken developed a poetic play that balanced between everyday reality and a dream world. At the beginning of June, the acclaimed premiere of the new season project "The Girl with the Blue Violin" took place. As in previous years, EPPM supports the Kidsclub theater project.
Annika and her violin
The joy is great: music enthusiast Annika gets her first own violin. However, her passion for music also attracts envious girls. These classmates disfigure the instrument with blue paint. Full of sadness, Annika nevertheless continues to play - and in doing so touches the god Jupiter, who was listening to her play. Jupiter transforms the tears of the people into raindrops. A great flood breaks...
From everyday experience to poetic play
Every year, the members of the Kidsclub independently develop a play together with a theater teacher. In the "Girl with the blue violin" they processed experiences from their own everyday life. These include bullying, illness and death, but also friendships. Together with the theater teacher, the young people practice improvisation and work out mentally and also physically the respective roles. The newspaper NRZ wrote after the premiere:
EPPM is committed to young culture
EPPM has supported the Kidsclub of the Burghofbühne for many years. Young people are encouraged in their imagination and creativity and can empathize and develop in perhaps previously unfamiliar roles. The much acclaimed performances and the enthusiastic audience additionally strengthen the self-confidence of the young artists. EPPM will also be involved in the Kidsclub next year.